DNS is an important part of your hosting, our redundant nameservers are hosted in diverse locations to ensure their availability.
Keeping your data safe is critical. We backup all our hosting accounts and servers daily, storing them on seperate systems.
We monitor all our systems for problems and alert our staff to any problems or poor performance.
Quickly install hundreds of popular packages such as Wordpress, Magento, Joomla, phpBB.
Our high performance cloud-based servers with SSD storage ensure blazing fast performance.
We'll be happy to help you migrate your existing website to us, just get in touch!
Some extra details about our WHM/cPanel powered hosting
Software |
Additional Software
PHP 5.6/7.0/7.1/7.2 | MariaDB 10 | Apache 2.4 |
Perl | phpMyAdmin | Softaculous |
Ruby | FTPES Supported | LetsEncrypt SSL |
NodeJS | Daily Backups | ionCube Loader |